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August 2022 (1 minute read)

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Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible” - Audrey Hepburn

A Growth Mindset expands your mind to ways of growing, personally and professionally.


Many useful ways of thinking and doing things are signs of a Growth Mindset. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, it is always helpful to think of challenges as things that should or must be overcome, and failures as points of learning a better way.

A Fixed Mindset, being opposite to a Growth Mindset is when one believes that certain aspects of your ‘SELF’ are static or unchangeable e.g that you are born with only a certain capacity for intellect and talent, and that you cannot develop or gain more if you chose, or wanted to. 


A Growth Mindset allows you to take very little for granted and is intrinsic to all your choices, actions, and decisions. In this way, your business plan will also take very little for granted and will reflect the opportunities created with the help of your mindset.


The underlying processes of a successful business plan are numerous and almost always happen in random order. You could already be doing business, without ever having thought to formally devise a plan. A good plan will then be grounded in your experiences. You have a range of first-hand knowledge that will help keep your plan growing and accurate.


Having a Growth Mindset in business will deliver a different way of thinking. Situations that previously seemed like the end of your progress will now merely be things that have a number of different solutions.


A Growth Mindset creates a deeper awareness of yourself, giving you a higher conciousness of what works best for you.


It is a journey of continual holistic improvement leading to personal & business, progress, and growth.

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