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May 2022 (1 minute read)


If you make your business about helping others, you'll always have plenty of work - Chris Guillebeau

Since we spend so much time at our desks trying to provide a more awesome service to you, we don’t have too much breaking news, except exactly that. Through BLOGZONE we hope to share with you, and keep you updated with our small business processes, latest insights and things we think might help you on your Small Business Journey.

A PLAN FOR BUSINESS, is our first series of content, we hope that you will find it helpful and worth sharing with others.


There are many ways to perceive the personal value to starting a business, it’s healthy, lucrative and can be loads of fun. You can develop and grow at your own pace, while addressing any financial vulnerabilities we all are sometimes faced with. Relieving this type of stress is a healthy way forward which could actually help make you more secure in your work, while also providing an opportunity for your professional growth.


Practically all successful businesses have not been conceived with the sole aim of making loads of profit. It is always good, if not a prerequisite to have a ‘social or bigger’ aim in mind whether it amounts to your personal purpose in life, or if its just you identifying a way to make life better for others and in doing so yourself. It is something that benefits the world and society at large and that is inclusive of yourself.


Most people find creating and growing things fun, this in itself is a form of personal therapy. Many small businesses are founded through the owner developing a hobby interest or something that they find fun to do. This could be a part of your current job or career that you find most fun, and which usually is what you are best or very good at. Starting up is really about taking something and molding it into the business shape that best suits your life. As you become better at it the more fun it all becomes.

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