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May 2022 (1 minute read)

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If you make your business about helping others, you'll always have plenty of work - Chris Guillebeau

Since we spend so much time at our desks trying to provide a more awesome service to you, we don’t have too much breaking news, except exactly that.


Through BLOGZONE we hope to share with you, and keep you updated with our small business processes, latest insights and things we think might help you on your Small Business Journey.

June 2022 (1 minute read)

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Distinguish between a, ‘I have rights mindset’ & ‘I have obligations mindset’ Instead of solely thinking that I do have inherent rights, choose to think that I do have inherent obligations. To serve the past, present & future generations, and the planet herself Stan Rushworth

A plan for business is really about how to work toward, develop and arrive at creating an intergrated business plan that yields a specific aim eg. seed funding, funding, an investor or a sound business loan.


Devising your plan is essentially about merging two aspects of your life viz. your personal readiness for the progress a business plan delivers and the readiness of your business idea.

July 2022 (1 minute read)


Opportunities for success are always seizable, YOUR readiness is how you achieve it.

By developing the readiness you need, to achieve the goals you set. You can begin to realise bigger personal, professional, and entrepreneurial aims.


Becoming ready for opportunity is the most important enabler in one’s personal or business life. We can seize anything that looks like an opportunity, but without readiness, it will always amount to a falsity.

August 2022 (1 minute read)

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Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible” - Audrey Hepburn

A Growth Mindset expands your mind to ways of growing, personally and professionally.


Many useful ways of thinking and doing things are signs of a Growth Mindset. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, it is always helpful to think of challenges as things that should or must be overcome, and failures as points of learning a better way.

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